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alan pearson artist

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Sunday, November 14, 2010

Cultural Icons at Depot Artspace, Devonport

On the 3rd November, 2010 Alan was interviewed by Denys Trussell for the Depot's "Cultural Icons" series (see www.depotartspace.co.nz/). They have interviewed about three score artists/writers/musicians and others generally involved, over a long period of time, in the cultural life of New Zealand.
During the filming I was sitting in the sound engineer's room with Emma, Barry Brickell and the sound engineer for Depot Sound, Mark Howden. Barry was writing, Emma was checking up on things, I was borrowing Emma's Macbook to book tickets south and to catch up on a vast amount of work which happily I did during the two hour interview. Mark was browsing through the portrait book as he twiddled the knobs making necessary adjustments. Suddenly he said, "how come I've never heard of this artist? I did art history at university. This is some of the best painting I've ever seen".
How come indeed!

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